厚置备置零:创建支持群集功能(如 Fault Tolerance)的厚磁盘。在创建时为虚拟磁盘分配所需的空间。与平面格式相反,在创建过程中会将物理设备上保留的数据置零。创建这种格式的磁盘所需的时间可能会比创建其他类型的磁盘长。
精简置备:使用精简置备格式。最初,精简置备的磁盘只使用该磁盘最初所需要的数据存储空间。如果以后精简磁盘需要更多空间,则它可以增长到为其分配的最大容量 。
The supported disk formats in ESX are:
zeroedthick (default) – Space required for the virtual disk is allocated during the creation of the disk file. Any data remaining on the physical device is not erased during creation, but is zeroed out on demand at a later time on first write from the virtual machine. The virtual machine does not read stale data from disk.
eagerzeroedthick – Space required for the virtual disk is allocated at creation time. In contrast to zeroedthick format, the data remaining on the physical device is zeroed out during creation. It might take much longer to create disks in this format than to create other types of disks.
thick – Space required for the virtual disk is allocated during creation. This type of formatting does not zero out any old data that might be present on this allocated space. A non-root user cannot create disks of this format.
thin – Space required for the virtual disk is not allocated during creation, but is supplied and zeroed out, on demand at a later time.
rdm – Virtual compatibility mode for raw disk mapping.
rdmp – Physical compatibility mode (pass-through) for raw disk mapping.
raw – Raw device.
2gbsparse – A sparse disk with 2GB maximum extent size. You can use disks in this format with other VMware products, however, you cannot power on sparse disk on a ESX host till you reimport the disk with vmkfstools in a compatible format, such as thick or thin.
monosparse – A monolithic sparse disk. You can use disks in this format with other VMware products.
monoflat – A monolithic flat disk. You can use disks in this format with other VMware products.
-c --createvirtualdisk <size>[kK|mM|gG]
-a --adaptertype [buslogic|lsilogic] <srcfile>
-d --diskformat [thin|zeroedthick|eagerzeroedthick]
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